Joane Goulding

10 Seconds of Courage (eBook) by Natalie Cossar


eBook by Natalie Cossar

Discover how to move beyond whatever is holding you back from being a confident and successful presenter!



A culmination of 30 years of learning and teaching, Natalie offers principles from her insightful book, explaining that courage is the means to developing confidence and stepping up as a successful speaker. 10 Seconds of Courage is a simple yet profound approach, available to anyone wishing to address the age old “fear of public speaking”.

Containing 10 key principles, 10 Seconds of Courage travels from the basics (such as use of breath and body language) to deeper, more specific lessons, that deal with your negative inner voice, address external influences and mentor you to develop a mindful and purposeful approach to presenting.

You will find yourself “in the moment”, learning the lessons and confidently moving forward with 10 seconds of courage because 10 seconds is doable!